ObjectDB ObjectDB

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java.lang.NullPointerException when using ORDER BY

== 0)) ORDER BY r.startDateTime DESC If we remove the ORDER BY part, the query completes OK ... : Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: com.objectdb.o.InternalException: Unexpected internal ... more                                                                                           Caused by: com.objectdb.o.InternalException: Unexpected

Mapped By Fetch is very Slow

Well ! I think i pointed out a HUGE performance issue with mapped-by attribute (yeah ... , go the MyEntity class and remove "mapped-by". You obtain 1 second max of query fetch. So my performance issue ... .ALL,mappedBy = "myEntity") // Test by adding / remove "mappedBy" public MyEntityChild getEntityChild

Schema Evolution Question

the following steps: Stop old client application. Stop ObjectDB. Start ObjectDB. Start NEW client ... Thank you! CAPdev CAP Dev The correct steps are: Stop old client application with the old schema. Stop ... Support I followed these steps in the prescribed order. Stop old client application with the old

Strange behaviour with ORDER BY and IN

Hi, after trying out objectdb for a while now and being quite impressed by its speed and overall performance I noticed a strange behaviour where an ORDER BY - directive isn't executed as ... by a simple member (e.g. a String) being the Entity-ID and, at the same time, filter on this member

ORDER BY problem, when String starts with language specific character

Dear all, I have a problem with ORDER BY clause. I have a simple query: select u from User u order by u.name When the name starts with "normal/english" character, records are ordered correctly ... an extension to JPQL and JDOQL) you can use the Normalizer expression directly in the query ORDER BY clause

Suspected memleak caused by bad state of EntityManager

and using. We find a slow memleak in our application recently, and by trace of Entity construct and finalize, we found the problem is caused by bad state of EntityManager. After first throwing ... and retrieved by EntityManagerFactory, and the instances of Entity constructed by ObjectDB

Should derived fields of an EmbeddedId be manually maintained by app code?

, of type ECompoundKeyMapItem, identified by their "key" within the EContainer class. The items ... "ECompoundKeyMapSubItem", identified by their keys. The embeddedId for the item class, ECompoundKeyMapItemId ... = parent; } [ObjectDB 2.3.0_01] Unexpected exception (Error 990) Generated by Java HotSpot(TM

How to deploy an Objectdb project with Jboss AS 7?

. Is there an instruction how to deploy objectdb project to Jboss AS 7 step by step? I used objectdb ... (Thread.java:722) [rt.jar:1.7.0_21] Caused by: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: JBAS011466 ... operation failed and was rolled back. Steps that failed:" => {"Operation step-2" => {"JBAS014671: Failed

Blocked by find

, Object obj)" method which is synchronized and attempts to load an object by id using the EntityManager ... .ObjectDbInstanceContainer@9c71a4 owned by: DEV1-WSAgent-1-Existing/3 Total blocked: 190 Total waited: 69 ... : Name: uatsrtlonw342-WSAgent-1-New/4 State: BLOCKED on com.objectdb.o.LKM@254e85f4 owned by: ODB

Removed entities can be found by query in the same transaction

Hello, we opened a transaction, load an entity from database and removed this entity by em.remove(). Afterwards the entity can be load again by query although the resulted entity have an attribute ... to that transaction. Every snapshot represents a picture of the database as seen by a particular transaction

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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